Missionary Pilot story time: Young pregnant couple gave me their bed and slept on the sofa

Missionary Pilot story time: Young pregnant couple gave me their bed and slept on the sofa

It was April 2016 when I was a student learning to fly airplanes so that I can go back to the Philippines and serve as a missionary pilot. 

I did not have much financial support for the training, no working visa to help myself pay the bills, eat and have a place to sleep. I was always at the mercy of people whom I met as strangers who became family. 

We had gotten a month’s notice because we couldn’t pay our rent ($500USD). I remember we packed our missionary car (1995 Toyota Avalon) and just sat in the driveway, asking Him where to go next! Phone rang and someone from church who knew we were looking for a place to stay called and offered us a home. Only problem is, my wife and I can’t be together during the week, only on weekends. 2hrs+ drive from San Diego to Palm Dessert. 

Our trusty Avalon given by a friend of a friend

How will I keep studying when I live so far away? 

I remember my Filipino brother who had invited me to his baby shower and also took us for our very first photo shoot. I asked him if I could crash at his place from Sunday to Wednesdays until I can find a place to stay. He said yes, “Come on over.”  We first met when I was invited to his church as the speaker for the service. We became brothers from that day. 

I would see Irene from Wednesday night to Sunday morning, then head out to San Diego. God is good, at least I have a place to sleep and keep studying to finish my missionary pilot license. 

As soon as I moved to my Filipino brother’s place, trouble came knocking. Apparently he’s renting and his roommate did not like the idea of me being in the house. He felt like I was a worthless guy taking advantage of other people. So even though there was a guest room at the house, I was not allowed to stay in it. So the craziest thing happened. 

My Filipino brother and his pregnant wife took the sofa bed in the living room and gave me their bed. That night I just could not sleep, I cried most of the night. I was asking God why is all this happening to me! This is a really young couple, and they were having their first baby. Lord, why them and not so many other who have a lot more extra room in their big houses? 

Why does He always use the people who have the least to give me the best? I stayed with them for about 2 weeks before I got another place to call home. Grateful po talaga ako. Pero walang utang daw po! (Find a Filipino friend to translate lol). 

Long story short, I am sure some of you might have seen this story or fragments of it before but today I would like to share it again. Why? Because of this recent post that his parents tagged me in. His name is Jordan and I am so blessed to know that his parents decided to teach him that to sacrifice for a poor, humble missionary student pilot is way more valuable than money can buy. I saw the photos of him wearing a pilot’s uniform and I was teary-eyed. I hope one day he will hear this story of what happened when he was still in the womb.

Jordan means alot to me, even in the Bible where God’s people came to the Jordan river and God worked miracles for them. Our Lord humbled Himself and was baptized in the filthy Jordan river, the same one that Naaman did not want to dip in to cleanse his leprosy. His parents means alot to me too and I will never forget their kindness, love and their support for my missionary pilot journey.  

When I was still a student pilot, I promised his dad that I would fly him over San Diego so he can take some sunset pictures. My very last flight in America before I came to the Philippines was exactly that. 

Promise flight fulfilled (2018)

This Filipino family is one of the reasons why I can’t complain about not getting a salary or paycheck each month for being a missionary pilot here in the Philippines. Them and so many more went the extra mile to help me finish my course.

The Filipinos that I transport on the airplane doesn’t see the support you guys offer to me, but I would like to pause to tell you guys thanks for those prayers and support over the years. Without you, I would not be able to do these missions. To God be all the praise and extra blessings to you and your family. Salamat po ng marami!

Help me share this post to show our appreciation to this beloved family, help me pray that Jordan will grow up to be an amazing missionary pilot like uncle Davin. 


  1. Merlene Pryce

    Such a lovely testimonial to read and see how appreciative you are for the kindness of your Filipino family and all who helped you and your wife to achieve your goal of getting your pilot’s license.

    • Davin Bennett

      Thank you, yes I’m very appreciative for the prayers and support along the journey of faith, especially from the Filipino family. God bless you and thanks for your kind words and encouragement.

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